Re-opening the Nets
Dear all,
We are delighted to say that we are now re-opening the nets, starting next Monday. We have a number of volunteers to help with supervision but we do still need more, so please do make yourselves available. (If you find that you can’t book a slot that you want because there is no volunteer, and you haven’t volunteered … )I apologise for the length of this message, but it is important for everyone who wants to use the nets, so please do read it all carefully.Pre-Booking only.
As previously explained, there are restrictions imposed by the ECB that we have to follow, and in particular this means that only people who have pre-booked can use the nets. You cannot simply turn up and play, even if no-one else has booked, as we have to keep full traceability records for every user.
Allan Hagglund has kindly volunteered to co-ordinate this, and all bookings need to be made through Allan at only
Allan can only accept booking where all users are members of the club, i.e. that you have registered through Teamo (so we have your traceability information) and you have either paid subs this year or agreed an exemption with the club. We know that times are difficult for some of us at the moment – please talk to us and we promise confidentiality and sympathy.
We want to make sure that everyone has a fair opportunity to use the nets. We are therefore initially restricting bookings to more or less mirror the usual training nights and use of the ground:
- Monday evenings: Girls and Ladies
- Tuesdays evenings: Adult men (including U14s up)
- Wednesday evenings: Adult men (including U14s up)
- Thursday evenings: Senior boys (U10s to U15s)
- Friday evenings: Juniors (boys and girls, U9s and below)
- Weekends to 13:00: All junior players (U15s and below, boys and girls)
- Weekends from 13:00: All senior players (U14s and above, male and female)
During weekdays, if the nursery is open the ground is not available until 5pm at the earliest, but subject to that weekday daytime can be booked by any member. We can only open when we have volunteers present. That said, we hope to be able to open during the daytime from this coming Monday as it is half-term.
Process to book
- Email with your booking request
- Please ensure that you are booking for an evening that applies to you or your child
- Note that you cannot book in advance – your booking will be for the coming week
- Please ensure that you confirm, in the email booking, that there are no Covid-19 infections or symptoms in your family at time of booking
- Allan will confirm the booking slot during the course of the day, but bear in mind that he is doing this during the working day, and thus there may be a lag
- Allan will also confirm if a volunteer is available for that slot
Conditions of booking The conditions of booking will be as follows:
● Do not attend a booking if you or anyone in your household displays symptoms or your household is currently in isolation.
● All hygiene and social distancing measures are included for your own safety and that of everyone around you. Please be aware and alert for any risks, and exercise common sense.
● No toilet facilities are available at the club – The Pavilion facilities cannot be used.
● Bring your own hand sanitiser where possible. If this isn’t possible wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after visiting the club.
● Personal hygiene measures should be carried out at home before and after use of the facility.
● We are required to have a volunteer supervisor present. If no-one volunteers, or the volunteer has to cancel at short notice, the booking cannot go ahead.
● Please follow any requests or instructions from the supervisor – they are acting with everyone’s safety in mind. They are only there in relation to Covid-19, not to act as coach or to look after juniors; neither they nor the club are responsible for any illness or injury you suffer while using the nets.
● The supervisor is not medically-trained. If you suffer an injury, it is your own/your partner’s responsibility to arrange appropriate medical assistance.
● All under-18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
● We reserve the right to refuse future bookings (without refund of your subs) if you persistently fail to follow the social distancing guidelines or are in any way abusive to our volunteer supervisors.
● We reserve the right to cancel the booking if the weather is unsuitable.
● If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible, so that we can offer the slot to someone else and let the volunteer supervisor know.
● Travel together as a household.
● Avoid public transport.
● Try not to arrive too early, aim to arrive to be ready for the start of your slot, to help with social distancing.
● Bring your own playing/training equipment including balls. We will provide 1 set of stumps in each net.
● Bring your own filled drinking bottles, The Pavilion is closed and the shop is not open to over the counter orders.
● No spitting. ● No saliva or sweat should be applied to the ball at any time
● Batters should not touch the balls if possible – please kick them back to the bowler.
● As always, the health and safety of participants is paramount - please ensure those using the nets minimise the risk of injury. You must not bat against hard balls unless wearing full appropriate protective equipment (helmet, gloves, pads, box, etc). As well as response times being delayed this is vital to avoid any additional stress on the NHS.
● Avoid touching as much as possible whilst on club premises
● At the end of your allocated 50 minutes, please clear up and move away in good time to let the next people start their session. Do not cluster together to socialise.
● Do not leave private property behind.
● All users should report any infection of their household following use of the nets, to allow effective contact tracing and to limit the spread of the virus.
Thanks, and I look forward to finally seeing you all again, albeit from at least 2m away,
Tim Child
Chair, Maidenhead & Bray CC