Annual General Meeting '22 of the Maidenhead and Bray Sports Club
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Maidenhead and Bray Sports Club held at the Pavilion, Bray on Thursday 9th December 2021 at 7:30pm.
Attendees 10 - Names available on request
1. Apologies – One apology was received from David Vincent
3. Re-elect Vice Presidents – re elected en masse but the point was made in the meeting that we have no contact with the listed VP’s and have no knowledge as to whether they are still alive. It was agreed that work should be undertaken to establish the status of our VPs and where possible to reinstate contact
4. Treasurers Report – Oscar Wingham apologised for the fact that no finalised figures were available due to the inability to get the Audit done in time. This is in hand and once it has been done, finalised management accounts will be made available. Oscar summarised how we got through the Pandemic with the help of 3 grants and the rent from the pre-school nursery. He also reported that since Nick Parkinson had taken over the role of House Manager the income from the bar and events had resulted in us having c £51K in the bank. Questions from the floor centered on how any profit might be used and all were assured that these and other questions would be answered in the chairman’s address
5. Appointment of Auditors. - As no audit had been arranged the current auditors Hale and Co were voted in unopposed
6. Address by the Chairman, Michael Parkinson, including Re- Organization of Club Structure and vote on proposal – The Chairman outlined what his aims were when he was appointed over 10 years ago which was namely to reduce the reliance on financial support from the member sporting sections, the development of a food and beverage outlet that was profitable and the investment in the fabric of the club. A lot has been achieved, the club has been placed on a more secure independent financial footing, a loyal social membership has been created, a varied events calendar is in its early stages, the bar area, river room, downstairs toilets, entrance way have benefitted from over £40K of redesign and investment. The club is now ready for the next stage and MP announced that going forward no financial contributions would be required from either Hockey or Cricket and that he was announcing the intention to undertake a major redevelopment of the Pavilion in the next 18 months. MP talked through the plans which involved the demolition and rebuilding of the river room to become a bespoke function room with the addition of another level which would become a dedicated ‘schoolroom’ for the pre school nursery. The dressing rooms would also be re-configured and re-designed in consultation with the Hockey and Cricket club to ensure the facilities meet all safe guarding and health and Safety guidelines as well as provide a pleasant and future-proof changing facility. This has not been fully costed as it is purely at the consultation phase but the financing will be a combination of loans, grants from sporting bodies and donations with the financial risk of repayment being largely allayed by the fact the in return for the dedicated facility the Pre-School nursery would sign a 10-year deal at an increased rent. However, in the absence of a full business case detailing proposals, budget, timescales funding model and other options it was definitely the case that further discussion and consultation will be carried out between MBSC and the cricket & hockey clubs before full agreement to proceed is gained.
Questions from the floor were forthcoming. It was queried why we are spending so much on the Pavilion and not on the grounds and facilities outside of the building. MP pointed out that a large proportion of the money raised every year was spent on the upkeep of both our playing fields and the hedges and trees that surround the ground as well as the upkeep and tidying up of the patio and immediate environs of the Pavilion. It was pointed out that the responsibility for the nets and cricket squares rests with the Cricket club and that the Sports club had also offered to support the Cricket Club in whatever way was necessary, including a financial contribution towards planning costs, in their pursuit of a changing room and toilet for the Jubilee. MP made the point that the running costs of the Pavilion and the other responsibilities of the Sports Club are in the region of £200K per year and that this figure does not include putting money aside for necessary capital investment or rainy days like the odd Pandemic!
Concerns were raised that the changes to the Committee were resulting in a lack of proper consultation and too much responsibility being placed in the Chairman’s hands. MP pointed out that the Sports Club Committee would meet regularly, the Chairman of the Cricket and Hockey Sections would remain members and monthly accounts would be made available for inspection. A point was raised that no request for new volunteers to the Committee has been made. MP replied that many requests have been made and no one was forthcoming and that it was more than a lack of volunteers that informed this decision but in fact a need to ensure that the facility is run to its optimum level and managed properly on a day to day basis.
a. Retirement of Hon Secretary and Hon. Treasurer
b. Replacement of positions by an employed House Manager and outside accountancy service
c. The Sports Club Committee will be made up of President, Chairman, Chairman of Hockey and Cricket,
d. The Committee will meet on a quarterly basis though communication and consultation will be regular
e. Financial reports will be made available for inspection on a monthly basis
The Motion was passed by 8 votes for to 2 against
7. Election of Chairman and Trustees – Trustees, Sean Coyne, Edgar Wallner and Jonathan Crowther were voted in unanimously. Michael Barnes and Michael Parkinson were voted in unanimously as President and Chairman respectively
Michael Parkinson
Chairman MBSC